Check out these videos!
Stop! Worry Time: Dealing with Uncertainty
A simple trick to help master your worries.
Your Mission: Finding Purpose and Values in Life
Level up your personal mission.
Welcome to the Inbetween
When life throws a bit of uncertainty your way, use these tips to help you get through it!
What Shape is Your Tree?
Jazz chats besties and boundaries, and shares some tips on keeping friendships healthy.
Your Side Quests
VCE and VCAL can seem big but there are so many opportunities for learning and connection along the way!
Doors, Doors, Doors
Join Jazz for a simple visualisation exercise about identity.
Check out Feeling it in the Smiling Mind app for interactive activities, meditations and more!
Download the app and start feeling it today!
Are you a student?
Check these out!
Are you a high school teacher?
We’ve got you covered too!