Student Wellbeing — Smiling Mind

Improving Student Wellbeing

More than ever, young Australians are facing mental health challenges, which can cause disengagement in school and negative life outcomes.1

Evidence shows that children can learn mental skills early in life, acting as a protective factor for challenges that will inevitably arise as they develop and grow.2

Read more about our school program evaluation and the impact on students and teachers.

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The problem


young Australians are experiencing high or very high levels of psychological distress. Triple the number since 2007.2

secondary students are experiencing mental health problems.3

primary students are experiencing mental health problems.3

Teacher & principal burnout is at an all time high.4

The impact


are disengaged. On average these disengaged students are 1–2 years behind their peers, academically.5

students bullied.6

more likely to commit violence towards women if bullied at school.6

at a 10 year high. Rural and regional most at risk.6


How mindfulness helps to develop foundational skills


According to a meta-analysis of more than 70 studies comparing more than 6,000 school aged young people, those who practised mindfulness showed:


Better emotion and behaviour regulation

than 62% of those who didn't practice mindfulness7

Better academic performance

than 66% of those who didn't practice mindfulness7

Lower depression and anxiety scores

than 66% of those who didn't practice mindfulness7

Better social skills

than 64% of those who didn't practice mindfulness7


How mindfulness improves students ability to learn



It improves attention8, meaning students are more capable of taking in new information without being distracted by internal reactions or preconceived perspectives.9



It improves working memory,cognitive flexibility, reasoning, planning, goal directed behaviour and self regulation,10 essential skills when it comes to learning new information.



It reduces emotional reactivity, behavioural issues, anxiety and depression.11 This means students have fewer potential obstacles standing in the way of their learning.


Watch our impact in schools below:

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Mindfulness practice is associated with an increase of ~16% in mental health and academic performance (relative to peers)12


What our teachers say


Student favourite

I have been doing the Smiling Mind program for two years with many of the same children and they absolutely love it. They ask every day if we are going to be doing it.


Daniel, year 1 & 2 teacher

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